by Ted Clouser | Aug 10, 2022 | Coaching, Cybersecurity, Featured, Managed Solutions
It’s Time for A Mid-Year Assessment Now is a perfect time to begin assessing where you are in your businesses and preparing for next year’s goals and objectives. While doing so, how are you planning for cybersecurity risks, technology needs, and the...
by Ted Clouser | Jul 13, 2022 | Featured, Managed Solutions, Uncategorized
Help! IT’s Just Too Much Picture it — the year 2000. We just survived Y2K and the world was a much better place. IT was all much simpler then. It was completely normal for an IT department for a mid-sized business to consist of one or even two people to take...
by Ted Clouser | Apr 27, 2022 | Cybersecurity, Featured, Uncategorized
Why IT Needs a Seat at the Table: The Threats Are Real Technology is moving faster than ever. Whether it’s targeted warfare or just “spraying” to determine who’s vulnerable, the threats are real. As stated in the blog, “Hackers are...
by Ted Clouser | Nov 13, 2021 | Cybersecurity
Oh Password, Where Art Thou? Passwords Have you ever wished for a “passwordless society?” Well, good news! Microsoft has taken steps towards that possibility. Microsoft announced in mid-September of 2021 that it will introduce a “passwordless account” option for all...
by Ted Clouser | Dec 5, 2020 | Cybersecurity, Managed Solutions
Ready for a Virtual Platform? Keep Security Front and Center Ready for a Virtual Platform? 2020 has proven to us that utilizing a virtual environment is essential for survival. Things aren’t likely to ever be the same again. Is your financial institution embracing...